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It is possible to create and manage dashboards to display data and information in Thingspod. Using the dashboards, you can view the entity data graphically and send RPC requests to the devices for remote control using the control widgets. Dashboards can be provided to users and customers in a personalized way.


Adding a dashboard


To add a new dashboard, follow these steps:

  • Go to Dashboard Group through the main menu on the left side of the screen.
  • To create a new dashboard group, click the "+" icon in the upper right corner of the screen. (You can also use the All dashboard group.)
  • Click on the dashboard group to enter the dashboard page.
  • Click on the "+" icon in the upper right corner.
  • In the opened window, entering the title of the dashboard is necessary, but the description is optional. Then, click on the "Add" option.



Public the dashboard


If you want to make your dashboard group public and share its link with others, you need to do the following:

  • Go to "Dashboard Group".
  • Click on the "share" icon on the right side of the dashboard group.
  • In the opened box, click the "Confirm" button.
  • Click on the dashboard group to enter the dashboard page.
  • Click on the dashboard name to open the details.
  • In the dashboard details, next to the Public link, click the copy button.



Now, you can share the dashboard through this link. Note that for public access to the data and dashboard, you must also make the devices, assets, and entity views associated with the dashboard public.     


Dashboard page


After creating the dashboard, a page will open for you that includes the following:

  • Edit icon (pencil): By clicking this icon, you will enter the dashboard editing mode. In this case, you can create widgets and display your data.
  • Time window icon: In this section, you will be able to set the time window for displaying information on the dashboard based on a specific date or moment.
  • Entity alias icon: In this section, you can add or edit entity aliases that you have chosen for your dashboard.


Adding a widget


Click on the + icon and then select Create New Widget.

  • Click on the pencil icon in the lower right corner of the screen.
  • Click on the + icon and then select Create New Widget.
  • The available widgets are displayed for you, and you can add them to your dashboard page by clicking on the widget.



Widgets are classified into 13 different categories according to their nature. The categories of widgets are listed below:

  1. Alarm widgets
  2. Digital gauges widgets
  3. Analog gauges widgets
  4. Charts widgets
  5. Cards widgets
  6. Control widgets
  7. Maps widgets
  8. Date widgets
  9. Entity admin widgets
  10. Gateway widgets
  11. GPIO widgets
  12. Input widgets
  13. Navigation widgets


Alarm widgets


Alarm widgets are used to display preset notifications and alarms for devices. In the alarm widget table, the type of data sent in each row (for example, temperature) and its priority (for example, Critical) are written in the opposite column.


Analog gauges widgets


These widgets display data such as speed, temperature, compass, etc. using pointers. The types of widgets in this category include the following:

  1. Analog compass
  2. Temperature gauge
  3. Temperature radial gauge
  4. Speed gauge
  5. Radial gauge


Digital gauges widgets


The difference between these widgets and the analog is only in the visual appearance of the pointers. In this category, all indicators are digital.


Types of digital gauge widgets include the following:

  1. Digital vertical bar
  2. Digital horizontal bar
  3. Mini gauge
  4. Neon gauge
  5. LCD bar gauge
  6. LCD gauge
  7. Digital speedometer
  8. Digital thermometer
  9. Simple digital gauge for other applications


Chart widgets


Chart widgets can be used to display information in the form of management reports. Based on the nature of the data, choose the most appropriate option among the various charts. The types of charts available in this section include the following:

  1. State chart
  2. Timeseries Bars
  3. Radar Chart
  4. Polar Area Chart
  5. Pie Chart
  6. Doughnut Chart
  7. Timeseries Flot
  8. A simple bar chart for other applications


Cards widgets


Card widgets include tables and simple cards containing information that are used to numerically display a variety of information. You can design a nested dashboard for the data mentioned in each row of the table so that by clicking on the row, the dashboard containing the details of that data will be displayed.


Types of card widgets include the following:

  1. Entities hierarchy
  2. Entities table
  3. Simple card
  4. Label widget
  5. HTML Value Card
  6. HTML Card
  7. Timeseries table
  8. Attributes card


Control widgets


Control widgets allow users to control devices directly through the dashboard. This control can include sending RPC commands to devices or updating data on devices.


The types of widgets that provide control in the dashboard are listed below:

  1. Update device attribute
  2. RPC Button
  3. LED indicator
  4. Round switch
  5. Switch control
  6. Knob control
  7. RPC remote shell
  8. RPC debug terminal


Map widgets


Map widgets can be used to display the location of the devices on geographical maps or to determine their movement as real-time tracking on the map. These maps are not limited to aerial maps and you can also depict custom maps from inside the building or closed spaces as photos and display elements based on coordinates.


The types of maps available to display the location of assets include the following:

  1. OpenStreetMap
  2. Google Maps
  3. Image map
  4. HERE Map 
  5. Tencent Maps
  6. Route map, OpenStreetMap and TencentMaps
  7. Trip Animation


Date widgets


Date widgets are used to filter the time displayed in dashboards. The difference between this widget and the time filter feature available in the dashboard and in each widget independently is the ability to group widgets, which allows filtering the displayed data range in a group of widgets.


Entity admin widgets


By using Entity admin widgets, there is no need to use platform tools to add different entities such as devices and assets. The user can manually add entities through the dashboard and edit them if needed. Finally, the information of each entity will be displayed to you in the form of tables.


Gateway widgets


The Gateway widgets can be considered a customized version of the entity admin widget. Gateways play the role of a communication port that sends information to several devices at once. After sending the data, the gateway data can be separated for each device in the rule chains and used in other chains.


By using this category, the user can manually add a new device to the gateways or remove a device through the dashboard.


GPIO widgets


If you want to access the inputs and outputs of your hardware boards directly, there is no need to send separate RPCs to each pin of the board; Just use the GPIO widget.


In the Thingspod IoT platform, standard Raspberry Pi panels with maximum standard pins are at your disposal, which allows you to easily send RPC commands to any input/output or display real-time information about each pin.


Input widgets


Input widgets can be used mainly to update and create device attribute data, place custom photos in the dashboard (for example; logo), create test time series data at certain time intervals, and set fixed coordinates on the map.


The values added to the dashboard through these widgets are static properties associated with devices or assets. Also, through the dashboard, the attribute data of the device can be updated more easily and without the need to refer to the platform tool.


Navigation widgets


These widgets are very useful for creating links between different dashboards belonging to the same user. The widgets in this category let you switch between individual dashboards and other platform tools. For example, you can enter the Rule Engine tool by clicking on the navigation widget inside a dashboard.


Entity Views



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